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Liquefied Gas carrier guide - Planning cargo operations
Carrying and handling liquefied gas cargo onboard poses significant potential hazards including risk of injury or death,threats to environment and each person working on a gas carrier and terminal ashore needs to understand the risks involved, obtain the necessary training and take all the needed precautions.
The procedures outlined here should be considered as general guidance only; there is considerable variation in the design of cargo containment and cargo handling systems, and specific instructions should be prepared for inclusion in the cargo operations manual for individual ships.
These instructions should be carefully studied by all personnel involved in cargo handling operations.
Purpose of cargo planning
The purpose planning cargo handling, based on known parameters, is to evaluate the operation,
in order to minimize the possibility of encountering unexpected and critical
operational situations. If unforeseen situations develop, the plan shall help the
Operator to find alternative operational methods at short notice and avoid being
taken by surprise.
The plan must be prepared and presented in a suitable layout and include the main
details of the operation from beginning to end. The loading/discharging computer
must be used during the planning.
Reference documentation such as the vessel’s cargo handling manual, the SIGTTO
guide, MARPOL etc must be consulted as necessary.
Appraisal phase
All available information
should be
Collected prior to the
Information such as:
- Relevant information given in the charter party
- Relevant information received from the Terminal
- Relevant information regarding the cargo carried
- Information in the “SIGTTO” Guide
- Relevant information from the “Cargo Manual”
- Relevant information from ISPS and SSP
- Relevant information from Vessels Contingency
- Relevant information from SOPEP
- Information received from Agent /Owner
representatives (forecast, ramp up/down, arms
connection, etc.)
- Terminal Regulations
Cargo handling planning - Planning phase
“Worst-case” Scenarios: - Breakdown of vital equipment
- Spills
- Meteorological conditions
- Cargo pumps failure
The operation should be
planned to:
- Keep within terminal, national and international rules
and regulations
- If, despite precautions, something should go wrong,
the officer in charge should be capable of taking the
appropriate counter-measures at the right time and in
the correct order
- Organize the staff involved in a safe and efficient way
The Cargo Handling Plan
should show:
- General information (voyage Number, Cargo onboard,
Port, Date, departure heel required)
- Stability, general information on arrival and departure
(Draft, GM, Displacement, Deadweight, Cargo, Ballast,
F.O., D.O., and F.W.) having due regard to the specific
vessel operating manuals.
- Cargo Tanks, information on arrival and departure
(Equator temperature, bottom temperature, vapour
temperature, liquid heater temperature, tank
pressures, pump to be used for cooling down
- Detailed sequences of the whole operation from
vessel-All-Fast to Gangway-Off
The Graphic Discharge
plan should include
- Bending moments/frame
- Shear forces/frame
- Draft Fwd/Aft
- Trim
- Deadweight
- Total Cargo (hourly)
- Total Ballast (hourly)
- Ballast tanks sounding and cargo tanks levels.
List of documents to be
completed, including:
- How to complete them
- Who should complete them
- When they should complete them
- How they should be distributed
Cargo planning - Loading operation guidelines
Check-ups after arrival :
- Moorings properly stored on working drums
- Fire wire in place
- Sign boards in place
- Water tight doors closed
Other operations:
- Pre-discharge meeting
- Stop firing boilers with LNG
- Stop spray pump
- Start manifold curtain
- Fix in position manifold camera
- Ensure vessel is upright prior to gauging
Warm ESD :
- Ensure cool down valves are set.
- Switch over pneumatic/optical to ‘ON’
- Trip and note valve closing time.
Arm Cooldown Line up and specify sequence of valves to open
and close
Arm Cooldown : -
Line up and specify sequence of valves to open
and close
Arm Cooldown Completed :
- Prepare for cold ESD
- Stop cooling down arms
- Specify valves to open and close
- Cold ESD test
Start Loading :
- Specify valves to open and close
- Sequence of pumps indicating amps, etc.
Full Rate :
- Sequence amps in cargo pumps and sequence of
ramp up
- Ballasting detail gravity by pump sequence etc.
Cargo planning – Unloading operation guidelines
Check-ups after arrival :
Moorings properly stored on working drums
- Fire wire in place
- Sign boards in place
- Water tight doors closed
Other preparations :
- Pre-discharge meeting
- Stop firing boilers with LNG
- Stop spray pump till CTS completed
- Start manifold curtain
- Fix in position manifold camera
- Ensure vessel is upright prior to gauging
Warm ESD - Ensure cool down valves are shut
- Switch over pneumatic/optical to ‘ON’
- Trip and note valve closing time.
Arm Cooldown :
- Line up spary pump and specify sequence of
valves to open and close
Arm Cooldown Completed :
- Prepare for cold ESD
- Stop cooling down arms
- Specify valves to open and close
- Cold ESD test
Start Discharge :
- Specify valves to open and close
- Sequence of pumps indicating amps, etc.
Full Rate :-
Sequence amps in cargo pumps and sequence of
ramp up
- Ballasting detail gravity by pump sequence etc.
Cargo planning - Cargo operation guidelines
Check-up before arrival :
- Tanks cooled to the required temperature to allow
bulk loading
- All lines correctly lined up and checked by two
senior officers
- Function and indication of valves checked and
recorded operational
Check-ups after arrival :
- Moorings properly stored in working drums
- Fire wire in place
- Sign boards in place
- Water tight doors closed
Other preparations -
Pre-discharge meeting
- Stop dual firing
- Stop spray pump till CTS completed
- Start manifold curtain
- Fix in position manifold camera
Warm ESD
- Ensure cooldown valves are shut
- Open ESD valves
- Switch over pneumatic/optical to ‘ON’
- Trip and note valve closing time
- Anti-surge test
- Cold ESD test
- Lines cool down
- Lines cool down completed
Cargo handling - During operations
The factors to be taken
into account include :
- Reliability of the equipment
- S.F. and B.M. condition throughout the operation
- Tank pressures and temperatures.
- Current/tide conditions
- Sufficient staff employed during the various
stages of the operations
- Maintaining good communications between ship
staff, Officer in charge and the shore terminal
Officer in charge
- Monitoring the safe mooring of the vessel
- Restrictions regarding the under-keel clearance
Continuous monitoring of
the operations:
- Restrictions regarding the under-keel clearance.
This is essential, matching the operation with
the prepared plan, for the safe and efficient
conduct of the operation. If the Officer on watch
or any other staff involved is in any doubt as to
how the operation is proceeding, he shall
immediately call the officer in charge or his
superior and, if necessary, take whatever steps
required to safeguard the operation.
Cargo handling - Recording
Typical factors to be
recorded include:
- Communications with the terminal, cargo owner,
charterer, agent.
- Start/stop of cargo, ballast, stripping pumps and
reason, if applicable
- Draft and trim
- Equipment error, breakdown
- Extreme meteorological conditions
- Unexpected current/tide conditions
- Mooring related conditions
Below is more guideline for safe cargo operation on board gas carriers
Damage stability guideline - cargo loading limitations
& use of loading computer
Procedure for commissioning the cargo system
Preparation for Cargo Transfer
Procedure for discussion prior cargo transfer
Procedure for loading Liquefied Gas Cargoes
Procedure for Cargo Conditioning in Liquefied Gas Carriers
Cargo Transfer between Vessels (STS Operation)
Procedure for segregation of Liquefied Gas Cargoes
Procedure for Stripping Liquefied Gas Cargoes
Procedure for Changing Liquefied Gas Cargoes
Displacing Atmosphere with Inert Gas (Inerting)
Displacing with Vapour of the Next Cargo (Purging)
Required cargo information prior loading
Details of various cargo handling equipment onboard
Liquefied gas cargo vapour characteristics
Liquefied gas cargo - low temperature effects
Liquefied gas carrier -monitoring cargo pressure
Cargo emergency shutdown requirement for liquefied gas carrier
Gas analyzing equipment
Custody Transfer Measurement (CTM) System
Cargo conditioning, reliquefaction and boil-off control requirement for a liquefied gas carrier
Cargo Containment Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
cargo emergency shutdown requirement
damage stability guideline for liquefied gas carriers
Various Cargo handling equipments onboard
Cargo hoses connection guideline
Documents accompanying a liquid gas cargo
How LNG transferred from shore to ships cargo tanks ?
Cargo operation guideline onboard a liquefied gas carrier
Cargo piping Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
cargo planning requirement
cargo and pumproom safety precautions
cargo stripping guideline
Emergency response for cargo system leaks
Emergency response for cargo tank rupture
Risk of overfilling of cargo tank during loading onboard a liquefied gas carrier
Preparation for cargo transfer
cargo transfer between vessels- safety guideline

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