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Preparation for Changing of Cargoes - Liquefied Gas carrier Operation
Before changing cargoes or gas-freeing it is most important to remove all cargo liquid from tanks, piping, reliquefaction plant and any other part of the cargo system. Any remaining cargo liquid will continue to give off vapour and will frustrate subsequent purging or gas-freeing.
If previous and subsequent cargoes are similar in chemical properties – e.g. propane and butane – purging may not be required (subject to shippers’ considerations), but even in such cases it is normally required that no previous cargo liquid remains. Shippers’ instructions regarding purging requirements should always be sought.
To achieve maximum drainage of liquid during discharge, the following advice should be followed:
Procedure for Liquefied Gas Cargo stripping
Displacing Atmosphere with Inert Gas (Inerting)
Displacing with Vapour of the Next Cargo (Purging)
Procedure for Water washing after Ammonia Cargoes
Related Information:
- LNG tank leaks and immediate action by gas carriers
- Leaks from a Loading Arm due to Tidal or Current Effects
- Minor or major leaks from LNG tanks
- Risk of Overfilling of Cargo Tank during Loading
Gas cargo containment systems - primary barrier (the cargo tank),secondary barrier, thermal insulation and more
Discussion prior to cargo transfer in liquefied gas carrier
Safety checklist for gas carrier
Tanker Cargo Operations Logbook
Connecting Bonding Cable
Related Information:
- LNG tank leaks and immediate action by gas carriers
- Leaks from a Loading Arm due to Tidal or Current Effects
- Minor or major leaks from LNG tanks
- Risk of Overfilling of Cargo Tank during Loading
LNG spill risk during marine transportation and hazards associated
How to tackle fire on board LNG ship
Fire fighting plan for LNG cargo
Cargo conditioning, reliquefaction and boil-off control requirement for a liquefied gas carrier
Cargo Containment Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
cargo emergency shutdown requirement
damage stability guideline for liquefied gas carriers
Various Cargo handling equipments onboard
Cargo hoses connection guideline
Documents accompanying a liquid gas cargo
How LNG transferred from shore to ships cargo tanks ?
Cargo operation guideline onboard a liquefied gas carrier
Cargo piping Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
cargo planning requirement
cargo and pumproom safety precautions
cargo stripping guideline
Emergency response for cargo system leaks
Emergency response for cargo tank rupture
Risk of overfilling of cargo tank during loading onboard a liquefied gas carrier
Preparation for cargo transfer
cargo transfer between vessels- safety guideline

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