Fig:Typical LNG vessel at loading terminal
The duty officer shall be aware of the tide changes during the period of cargo operation and observe the
weather forecast.
The duty officer shall assist the Chief Officer in ballast operations, keep all relevant records throughout the
cargo operation and assist as required.
The duty officer and Cargo Engineer shall call the Chief Officer in case of any abnormalities regarding cargo
operation, ballasting / deballasting, weather/sea conditions, moorings or any other relevant operation errors
that might interfere with the safe operation of the vessel.
The Chief Officer shall call the Master, Charterer’s representative when one or more of the conditions
mentioned in the above paragraph do occur. If the Master is in any doubt, or considers that the safety of
the vessel, crew, cargo or environment is at risk, then he must call the vessel DPA.
Any kind of maintenance/repair work to be done onboard during port stay shall be discussed with the vessel
superintendent, and agreed with the terminal before arrival. To do maintenance work outside this
agreement is strictly prohibited.
The content of the “Terminal’s Cargo Handling Regulations” shall be familiar to the officers, Cargo Engineer,
and crew.
Operators of mooring winches, anchor windlass, cranes and portable lifting gear shall be qualified in the use
of such equipment.
Paint thinner, detergents, chemicals and other products that might be harmful to the health and
inflammable shall be treated with care. The bosun shall ensure he and the crew using such products are
familiar with the hazards involved.
The bosun and the crew involved in work aloft shall observe the procedures outlined for such work and be
fully aware of the dangers involved. (see Work Permit Procedures & Risk Assessment).
All crew shall be aware of the dangers involved with the:
- Handling/operation of power tools, portable and fixed
- Handling of wires and rope
- Portable ladders
- Staging and bosun’s chair
The required protective equipment shall be used and relevant safety measures taken.
At beginning of Loading and Discharge operations, the officers involved in
cargo operations should be positioned on Manifold, on cargo deck and in CCR. They will remain in these
stations until full loading/discharge rate and steady flow conditions have been reached.
If any cargo monitoring instruments or control safety devices are overridden, due to operational
circumstances, it must be verified by both the Chief Officer and the Cargo Engineer and it must be recorded,
the Master and management office are to be informed. The instrument or device must be returned to its
normal operational state as soon as it is no longer necessary to override the function. The return to normal
function must also be recorded.
If there is a necessity to override such devices on a regular or frequent basis then the Company office must
be notified of the circumstances.
Preparation for dry-docking must follow the instruction and sequence set up in the vessel’s Cargo Handling
Manual. This is especially important with warming up, gas freeing, inerting, aerating, hold space drying,
gassing up and initial cool down after dry-docking. Prior to each of the above operations, the line up must
be checked by Cargo Engineer and verified by Chief Officer, and logged down.
All cargo operations related checklists must be initialled by both Chief Officer and Cargo Engineer. The
verification needs to be done by both senior officers participating in the cargo operations, to ensure that all
systems have been cross-checked.
Prior to taking over watch during cargo operations, all Deck Officers and ratings must read and be familiar
with any additional standing orders that the Chief Officer has issued.
Below is more guideline for safe handling of liquefied gases.
- Cargo Information - physical and chemical properties necessary for the safe containment of the cargo
Mooring requirements for gas carrier
Means of access to ship - gas carrier guideline
Precautions against abnormal weather or other conditions
Dispersal of Vented Cargo Vapours
- Openings in Deckhouses and Superstructures
- Engine and Boiler Room Precautions
- Cargo Machinery Room Precautions
- Lashing of movable articles - Problem with helicopter operations on gas carriers
- Personal protective equipments for people working onboard gas carriers
Cargo tank ruptures due to increased pressure - emergency procedure for gas carriers
Loss of power supplies - emergency actions
Risk and hazards of Equipment failure
Loss of Instrumentation during Unloading Operations - Recommended actions by Liquefied Gas carriers
Risk and hazards of Nitrogen Loss
Gas carriers Loss of Instrumentation during Loading Operations
Gas carriers Structural Damage due to Incorrect Loading/Unloading Sequence Encountering High Winds and/or Waves - countermeasures
Safety guideline for changing previous cargo

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