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Emergency response and contingency plans for Liquefied Gas carriers
An emergency can occur at any time and in any situation. Effective action is only possible if pre-planned and practical procedures have been developed and are frequently exercised.
The Contingency Plan provides guidelines and instructions that assist in making an efficient response to emergency situations onboard ships.
If the vessel encounters a dangerous situation that may develop into an emergency, it is extremely important that the whole crew know exactly what they should do to save their lives and minimize damage.
It is worth stating that an abnormal condition need not necessarily be cargo related, it might be in
the engine room, or involve deck machinery such as a mooring winch failure for instance. Any
condition that could compromise the vessel’s ability to carry out a smooth, incident free operation
may be considered abnormal.
The crew must be drilled to take certain actions more or less automatically. However, nobody must act without considering the superfluous consequences.
These plans should be used actively during emergency drills.
The objective of an emergency plan is to make the best use of the
resources available. This will be the shipboard personnel whilst the
ship is at sea but may include resources from shore when the ship is in
harbour or passing through coastal waters.
The plans should be directed at achieving the following aims:
- rescue and treatment of casualties
- safeguarding others
- minimising damage to property and the environment
- bringing the incident under control.
The plans should include advice on the following:
- fire
- cargo spillage/leak
- personnel casualty
Most of these plans will be practised during emergency drills and
exercises. Make sure you know what to do and how to use the safety
equipment if in doubt ask an officer.
In any emergency situation, you MUST CONTINUE using the DPA or alternate contact number
you have already used when advising of the emergency.
During a serious incident many telephone calls may be made to the ship. The Master must clearly
identify the caller before passing any information. Unauthorised callers must be referred to the
Company for information.
The media in particular will persist in trying to obtain as much information as possible. Only the
Master must speak to them. Information passed to the media must only be the minimum
necessary and is to be factual. Information, which is found to be misleading, can be very damaging
to the management of the incident. Whenever possible the Master must refer any caller to the
Company for information and official media release.
In the event of a serious incident many different parties will require statements from the Master
and Crew. It is important that statements are not given until the Company arranges for a lawyer
representing the Owners/Company to be present.
Following a marine incident or accident involving collision, spill of oil, fire, injury to personnel or
worse, the Master, the bridge team and all the crew are in a very stressful and time sensitive
environment. Today’s contingency plans require a huge volume of reporting and regulatory
response. As most incidents occur close to the shore, where all vessels are at their most
vulnerable, within minutes of an accident a variety of interested parties will be requiring your time
and that of your senior officers.
Below is more guideline for response to various shipboard emergency and contingency plans.
- Abandonship procedures - Immediate Evacuation By Own Survival Craft
- Grounding accident and immediate action for gas carriers
- Collision accident - Emergency procedure for Liquefied Gas carriers
- Tackling fire - Emergency procedure for Liquefied Gas carriers
- Encountering High Winds and/or Waves - countermeasures
- Emergency Procedures for rescue - a guide to salvage operation
- Assist Vessel in Distress/Towing of Vessel in Distress
- Leaks on the Cargo System, Continuous Flow - how to prevent
- LNG tank leaks and immediate action by gas carriers
- Leaks from a Loading Arm due to Tidal or Current Effects
- Minor or major leaks from LNG tanks
- Compressed air system - Gas carrier immediate actions
- Risk of Overfilling of Cargo Tank during Loading
- Cargo tank ruptures due to increased pressure - emergency procedure for gas carriers
- Loss of power supplies - emergency actions
- Risk and hazards of Equipment failure
- Loss of Instrumentation during Unloading Operations - Recommended actions by Liquefied Gas carriers
- Risk and hazards of Nitrogen Loss
- Gas carriers Loss of Instrumentation during Loading Operations
- Gas carriers Structural Damage due to Incorrect Loading/Unloading Sequence
Preparatory operations for drydocking
Type of gas carriers - variation in the design, construction and operation
Cargo Information - physical and chemical properties necessary for the safe containment of the cargo
Reactivity of liquefied gas cargo
Training requirement for transporting remote gas
External links :
International maritime organization

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