Fig:LNG carrier underway
Following actions recommended in an emergency:
i) Watch keeper patrolling flying passage to advise CCR as soon as cargo is seen overflowing, coming out from vent mast.
ii) Activate ESDS immediately. Stop cargo operations.
iii) Activate general alarm and advise by public address nature of incident and location
iv) Sound predefined signals in order to warn Terminal
v) Check for any injuries or fatalities
vi) Treat injured people, and evacuate them as necessary. Advise agent/terminal if external medical assistance is required
vii) Advise terminal the nature of incident and present situation
viii) Activate Spray system on tank domes, manifolds, accommodation, compressor house in order to protect steel and vaporise the liquid
ix) Prepare fixed Dry Powder Fire Extinguishing System in case fire occurs due to external ignition source or static electricity
x) Consider - transfer cargo in order to lower down level in overfilled tank
xi) Consider - disconnect loading arms. Activation of PERC
xii) Consider - leave the jetty / terminal. Tugs/pilot required
xiii) Once the situation has stabilised, consider - continue loading operations, keeping in mind that both cargo tank safety valves are leaking through
xiv) Inform Owners, Insurance, P&I, Local Authorities
Related Information:
- Leaks on the Cargo System, Continuous Flow - how to prevent
- Compressed air system - Gas carrier immediate actions
- Leaks from a Loading Arm due to Tidal or Current Effects
- LNG tank leaks and immediate action by gas carriers
Gas cargo containment systems - primary barrier (the cargo tank),secondary barrier, thermal insulation and more
Minor or major leaks from LNG tanks
Emergency Procedures for rescue

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