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LNG handling |||
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Emergency response |||
Gas carriers structural damage due to incorrect loading/unloading sequence
Some cargoes are carried at temperatures low enough to make
ordinary steel brittle and liable to crack. Therefore special materials,
such as aluminium, stainless, or nickel steel have to be used in the
construction of the tanks and pipes. If LNG is spilled on to the steel
deck of a ship it will crack.
An emergency can occur at any time and in any situation. Effective action is only possible if pre-planned and practical procedures have been developed and are frequently exercised.
Gas carriers structural damage only applies when the vessel is alongside terminal. Following actions recommended:
Stop cargo operations. Activate ESDS if necessary
Stop ballasting/de-ballasting operations
Sound the Emergency Alarm / General Alarm
Consider - disconnect loading arms. PERC
Consider - leave Terminal
Advise terminal
Monitor moorings
All crew/ shore personnel to muster at their stations in order to identify injuries/fatalities
Assist injured people and evacuate them if that is considered necessary
Advise Terminal and local agent if medical assistance required
Check the extent of flooding/leakage, structural damage, consult damage stability plan
Check vessels stability, consider - chances of capsizing
Consider - the need for tugboats in order to keep vessel upright and in position
Monitor cargo tank pressure and integrity of cargo tanks. (Temperature, level in drip pan, gas content in annular spaces).
Try to confine or minimise oil leakage/spill if any. Take proper measures to avoid any oil spill if there is any risk of this happening. Consider - transfer bunkers
Consider - necessary assistance
Consider - change trim and draft
Consider - transfer cargo to terminal or other cargo tanks if situation permits
Consider - dual firing or FO only
Consider - the need for inerting hold spaces
Inform vessels in the vicinity by appropriate message
Consider - abandon the vessel
Inform Owners, Insurance/P&I, Local Authorities
Related Information:
Emergency Procedures for rescue
Encountering High Winds and/or Waves - countermeasures
Assist Vessel in Distress/Towing of Vessel in Distress
Leaks on the Cargo System, Continuous Flow - how to prevent
LNG tank leaks and immediate action by gas carriers
Leaks from a Loading Arm due to Tidal or Current Effects
Minor or major leaks from LNG tanks
Compressed air system - Gas carrier immediate actions
General precautions and instructions for gas carrier
Safety equipment for gas carriers
Training requirement for gas carriers
Fire fighting plan for gas carriers
Cargo emergency shutdown procedure for LNG carriers
Liquefied natural gases (LNG) -marine transport & accidents in LNG tankers
Liquefied gas carrier safety training

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///Safety Precautions
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