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Liquefied natural gases (LNG) -marine transport & accidents in LNG tankers
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) compresses to a small
fraction of its original volume (approximately
1/600) under liquefaction. With the amount of flammable material that LNG contains, it has the potential to be an extremely dangerous chemical, if handled improperly. The liquefaction of natural gas
raised the possibility of its transportation to many destinations.
The LNG fleet delivers more than 110 million metric
tons annually to ports around the world. Accidental spillage of liquefied natural gases are rare with no significant cargo losses. . This safety record is
attributable to continuously improving tanker technology, tanker safety equipment, comprehensive
safety procedures, training, equipment maintenance,
and effective administration oversight.
The most severe accident that may realistically occur
to a loaded LNG tanker is the breach of one or more
storage tanks, with consequent discharge of liquefied
natural gas outboard. No accidents leading to loss of
cargo have occurred over the history of maritime liquefied natural gas transportation. This safety record
is at least partially due to the double-hulled construction of LNG tankers and the separation between the
LNG cargo tank and the inner hull, which effectively
makes the cargo tank's wall a third safety barrier to
outside penetrations.
Rapid phase
transitions are physical explosions caused by
rapid vaporization of liquefied natural gas that
do not involve combustion or burning. When
liquefied natural gas flows on water, it forms a
thin vapor film that separates it from the water.
In locations of vigorous mixing, this film can be
breached and LNG can come into direct contact
with water. Under those conditions the LNG can
undergo rapid evaporation, causing a rapid
phase transition.
In past spill experiments, rapid phase transitions
have been observed at the first point of mixing with
water and at the leading edge of a spill.
Mixing is
known to be the most vigorous at these two locations. Rapid phase transitions are much less energetic than combustion explosions. Unconfined rapid
phase transitions are generally not considered hazardous; however, these can cause structural damage
if they were to occur in a confined space.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas in a liquid state at a low temperature (ab.-162 deg C). In this
state the LNG can be easily transported on LNG-carriers. LNG can also be used as a fuel so that
ship conforms to new regulations on sulfur emissions.
LNG can be stored in different types of tanks allowed by International Maritime Organization (IMO)
code, The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
Gases in Bulk code (IGC). IMO type B spherical tanks and membrane tanks are usually used for
cargo transferring, although other types of tanks are also available on the market. For ships using
LNG as a fuel, the most prominent solution is IMO type C tank.
Due to its properties LNG requires special handling on every stage of LNG carrying. The tanks
must be carefully supervised during dry-docking, prepared before loading, controlled for boil-off
during loaded passage and ballast passage. Before the dry-docking the tanks must undergo the
reverse procedure of after docking. All this is necessary to ensure the high quality of cargo.
Especially the boil-off is a problem to the most of LNG carriers. The boil-off is the vapour created in
tanks due to thermal losses of thermal insulation.
In IMO type C tanks the pressure is allowed to
increase with no losses of cargo. In other type of tanks the pressure remains constant and the boiloff
can be either used as a fuel or re-liquefied and returned to tanks. The consumption of LNG on
ship can be adjusted according to ship's operator's demand from minimum boil-off to 100% LNG
propulsion. The re-liquefaction can be implemented by condensing compressed LNG vapours with
seawater or by cooling the LNG tanks. DNV mentions two re-liquefaction systems based on Joule-
Thomson effect and nitrogen refrigerant cycle. The re-liquefaction is beneficial because it allows to
deliver whole the cargo instead of burning a part of it.
The properties of LNG hide potential dangers for the crew, ship and the environment and thus
requires special handling. Due to its cold temperature the LNG can cause cryogenic burns and
brittle fracture to ship's structure. It also can cause asphyxiation in big concentrations. LNG consist
at about 90% from methane, which is a greenhouse-effect gas. If spilled on water it explodes due it
rapid expansion and in concentration between 5% and 15% it is inflammable. This means that safe
handling of LNG requires measures such as good ventilation, double hull construction, minimizing
the potential leakages and leakage detection systems. Till now however, these measures have
been proved sufficient enough to avoid big accidents on LNG carriers.
Related Information:
- How to tackle fire on board LNG ship
- Cargo Machinery Room Precautions
- Fire fighting plan for LNG cargo
- LNG spill risk during marine transportation

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