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Preparation for cargo transfer - liquefied gas carriers safety guideline
In practice the responsibility for day-to-day cargo operations is delegated to the Chief Officer.
The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master, for the planning and the safe and proper operation
of the vessel for all cargo and ballast operations. Additionally he is responsible for the planning and
progressing of all cargo tank atmosphere changes.
He must ensure the Master is fully informed of all Cargo, Ballast and Tank Atmosphere operations
including the status of the vessel with regard to Stress, Stability and Drafts.
He must prepare a detailed cargo plan in advance of all cargo, ballast and related operations. He
should hold a cargo pre-planning meeting with his Cargo Engineer and Deck Officers, to ensure
that all aspects of the operation are included in the plan, and to establish any potential areas of
The input of these officers, at the planning stage, can be of some value, and is
additionally an essential part of their training. After the plan is approved by the Master he must
ensure that all officers and crew involved in the operations fully understand the plan, and that the
plan is endorsed by them. When conducting operations at, or with, a terminal the Chief Officer is
to ensure that the terminal understands and agrees to the cargo plan.
He must ensure the Master is fully informed of all Cargo, Ballast and Tank Atmosphere operations
including the status of the vessel with regard to Stress, Stability and Drafts.
Should a deviation or change to the detailed plan become necessary, then he must prepare a new
plan, which must be brought to the immediate attention of the Master, who must again confirm
and formally approve the amended detailed plan.
The Chief Officer is responsible for the setting of cargo and vapour lines before starting any cargo
or cargo related operation. The Chief Officer may delegate this line setting to the Cargo Engineer.
The OOW is to check and confirm all lines are set correctly.
The Chief Officer is responsible for the operation and control of Cargo and Spray pumps. He must
ensure that adequate notice regarding the starting of pumps is given to the Engineer on duty.
The Chief Officer must keep the Master, Deck Officers and Cargo Engineer aware of the progress
of cargo and ballast operations, and in particular any changes to the original plan. Any changes
must be written and attached to the original plan.
The Chief Officer must ensure that the deck officers maintain a proper and efficient deck watch.
When leaving operations temporarily in the care of the Cargo Engineer, or a junior Deck Officer, he
must prepare clear and precise written instructions for all cargo, ballast and related operations,
and make sure those instructions are clearly understood, and endorsed.
The Chief Officer is responsible to the Master for ensuring that the Ship Shore Safety Checklist is
properly and jointly completed before the start of transfer operations and that procedures for the
conduct of repeat checks are agreed with terminal staff. The maximum interval between repeat
checks should be 4 hours and the time and results of the checks should be recorded in the Deck
Log, in addition to the signing of the Checklist itself.
The Chief Officer is responsible for ensuring that daily rounds of the cargo deck and compressor
house are carried out . These rounds may be delegated to the Cargo / Gas
Engineer, if the Chief Officer is not able to carry them out himself.
For preparing of cargo transfer, the responsible officer should use “Safety Check List” which is appropriately adapted for the specific ship.
The records shall be kept onboard for one year after entry.
Cargo Operations Permit
In Japanese ports (Specified ports), the Master shall obtain a dangerous cargo operations permit. (Request the agent to obtain the permit).
Documents Related to Cargo Operations
The master and the responsible officer shall prepare the related documents necessary for the cargo transfer operations.
Cargo & Ballast Handling Plan
A cargo handling plans should be prepared which provides a detailed sequence of cargo and ballast transfer.
Simultaneous cargo and ballast handling, for stress and ship stability purposes, should also noted on the cargo plan.
The plan should cover all stages of the transfer operations, namely:
(1) Quantity and grade of each parcel;
(2) Density, temperature and other relevant conditions, including the reference temperature which determines the filling limits;
(3) A plan of the distribution, quantities, ullages, lines and pumps to be used;
(4) Transfer rates and maximum allowable pressures;
(5) Valve check list
(6) Critical stages of the operation;
(7) Notice of rate change;
(8) Stability and stress information;
(9) Drafts and trims;
(10) Emergency stop procedures;
(11) Action to be taken in the event of a spill;
(12) Flammability and toxicity with references to cargo data sheets;
(13) Ballast operations;
(14) Protective equipment requirements;
(15) Hazards of the particular cargoes.
(16) And, as required, requirements for:
(17) Cargo pollution category;
(18) Cooling requirements including rates of cool-down;
(19) Use of the cargo heater or vaporizer;
(20) Heel requirements after discharge;
(21) Under keel clearance limitations;
(22) Bunkering; and
(23) Special precautions required for the particular operation.
Chief Officer shall hold pre-arrival onboard meeting with the personnel involved in cargo operations and ensure all member are fully aware of plans.
The plan has been signed by all watch officers and cargo engineer to indicate their understanding of it at pre-arrival onboard meeting.
Chief Officer shall send the cargo discharging / loading plan including the hull stability plan after taking the master’s signature at least by 24 hours prior to arrival.
Cargo operations are carried out and logged in accordance with the plan.
Related Information:
- Discussion prior to cargo transfer in liquefied gas carrier
- Procedure for Changing Liquefied Gas Cargoes
- Displacing Atmosphere with Inert Gas (Inerting)
- Displacing with Vapour of the Next Cargo (Purging)
- Dispersal of Vented Cargo Vapours
Tanker Cargo Operations Logbook
Connecting Bonding Cable
Connection and disconnection of cargo hoses and hard arms
Cargo conditioning, reliquefaction and boil-off control requirement for a liquefied gas carrier
Cargo Containment Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
cargo emergency shutdown requirement
damage stability guideline for liquefied gas carriers
Various Cargo handling equipments onboard
Cargo hoses connection guideline
Documents accompanying a liquid gas cargo
How LNG transferred from shore to ships cargo tanks ?
Cargo operation guideline onboard a liquefied gas carrier
Cargo piping Systems in Liquefied Gas Carriers
cargo planning requirement
cargo and pumproom safety precautions
cargo stripping guideline
Emergency response for cargo system leaks
Emergency response for cargo tank rupture
Risk of overfilling of cargo tank during loading onboard a liquefied gas carrier
Preparation for cargo transfer
cargo transfer between vessels- safety guideline

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