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Custody transfer measurement (CTM) system for liquefied gas carrier
(1) The CTM is a system which allows the quantity of cargo on board at any time to be accurately calculated and therefore provide a means by which the amount of cargo that is transferred either internally or between the ships and shore to be accurately quantified. Such a system can be used on LNG carriers because the cargo is always same whereas on other type of vessels such as oil or LPG, large differences can occur between the cargoes carried on each voyage.
(2) There are two primary types of measuring system used currently on LNG carriers:
i) Based on capacitance measuring system
ii) Based on radar gauging system
(3) The verification and accuracy check of custody transfer measurement system is conducted at each dry dock.
Related Information:
- The high level alarm system
- Manifold arrangements
- Displacing Atmosphere with Inert Gas (Inerting)
- Displacing with Vapour of the Next Cargo (Purging)
- Dispersal of Vented Cargo Vapours
Tanker Cargo Operations Logbook
Connecting Bonding Cable
Connection and disconnection of cargo hoses and hard arms
Gas analyzing equipment
Safety equipment
Records of the calibration of key cargo instrumentation, including temperature and pressure gauges

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