Fig:GAS carrier underway
Everyone involved in liquefied natural gas transportation takes safety very seriously. There are many
lives and a great deal of money at stake. Government
and industry work together to make sure these ships
are designed, maintained, and manned with safety in
mind; industry maintains them with oversight by
periodic government inspection, and government
sets the standards for crew training. This has result-
ed in an outstanding safety record. Over the last decades
there have been no record of significant LNG spillage
worldwide because are so well designed .
Due to the extra care in designing, maintain-
ing, operating, and inspecting liquefied gas carriers, they
have an excellent safety record, with no major
problems in sea voyages.
LNG tanks or LNG storage tanks is a specialized type of storage tanks used to store LNG. In order
to keep natural gas liquid, the temperature in these tanks is very low, about at -162 deg C. For this
reason a thick layer of insulation with two barriers exists on every LNG tank. However this does not
impede the thermal current to exist, so the LNG is heated and part of it evaporates. The usual term
for these vapors is boil-off.
There are two basic different concepts on handling of boil-off. The first
is to allow vapors to leave the tanks so that they or consumed anywhere on ship or are re-liquefied
and returned in storage tanks. In this case the pressure remains constant in tank. The second is to
keep vapors of gas in tank and to allow the pressure to grow. So if the volume remains constant
the pressure increases in the storage vessel, if the pressure remains constant the LNG boils and
boil-off is released.
Two basic concepts for storage of LNG
- Constant volume --> Pressure increase
Constant pressure --> Reduce in volume & boil-off
Safety measures for LNG handling
All the dangers coming from the use of LNG shows that a special precaution measures must be
taken to avoid unwanted results.
At a design level in order to avoid cryogenic damage the exposure of pipes and couplings must be
reduced and an effort must be done to eliminate risk for damage or injury in case of small leakage.
Also the length of bunkering lines must be reduced to minimize air emissions. Gas detection
system must be installed in areas with possible leakages such as re-liquefaction plant,
instrumentation and control. The system must be in working condition during burning operations.
Such system are flame screens fitted in the supply line. Pressure levels in tanks must be
constantly monitored. All the supply lines must be purged with inert gas before and during burning
Ventilation must be installed and be in operation in re-liquefaction plant space,
machinery space and near untrunked gas piping. The all systems of safety must be constantly
checked and maintained, and the crucial systems twice. All piping must be checked for any
leakages. Handling of safety systems requires special education for the crew. All the incidents,
even trivial must be reported to responsible officers.

LNG tanks internal barrier